Bill and Neing decided that it would be more of an adventure if we stay in basic traditional thai huts instead of hotels. Lesley and I were to name them ‘mud huts’ or on one occasion ‘the posh hut’.
In one of the very basic huts we stayed in Lesley said that she could here all the little animals scurrying along the roof. Of course I slept like a log – didn’t hear a thing!!
Although the accommodation was basic the food was excellent. We spent many a night just enjoying the atmosphere whilst Neing sang Beatles songs on his guitar. He also taught Lesley and me the elephant dance which caused great hilarity. Of course I taught him some Scottish dancing.
The next day we went for a mud bath. Thai ladies covered us in a mud mixture which had ingredients that make you feel relaxed and cleanses the skin. While we were waiting for the mud to dry Bill took photos of us doing our elephant dance to everyone’s great amusement.
We visited the long neck tribe village. They have stalls full of lovely hand-made jewellery and other handed crafted gifts. A little girl had five rings around her neck, one for each year of her life. The older ladies had as many as thirty rings around their neck.
Remember the hand brake or lack of. I did wonder why Neing always put a large stone at the back wheel if we were on a slope. Well now I know – as we were taking our bags out of the back of the jeep it started to roll down the hill. Lesley, Tui, Bill and I just roared with laughter as Neing ran to try and stop it.
Hilarious end to a fabulous holiday.